Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Connie and the Creeper

Basically, I thought this story was creepy and frustrating. It was also confusing because I didn't get that whole phone part. Why did she freak out so much when she was trying to call her family? Well the setting was important because A. It increased the creepiness because, how did he know where she lived? and B. It made her vulnerable because she was alone. Connie's character draws the reader in because she's an idiot. She thinks she's so hot and goes out to eat with random guys she hardly knows. She also answers the door to strangers when she's home alone. That's just stupid. In my opinion she was definitely asking for trouble. Teens can relate to the main character, parents can relate to the story because it is the worst fear of a parent to have some strnager come and kidnap your child. It also shows the dark side of human nature. Well, since I'm such a realist, I think she was taken, raped, and killed. I think Arnold Friend was rejected by women so much that he became extremely insecure aout himself. Thus he turned his attention to teenage girls because he thought he'd have a better chance with them. However, I don't know how he got to be so creepy and stalker like.

1. A character I can relate to.
2. A setting I can picture/imagine.
3. A twist in the plot at the end.
4. A love interest between characters.
5. Witty banter/dialogue.
6. Dark humor.
7. If it's a mystery, the end has to make sense and be surprising. (When a Stranger Calls was a horrible movie because the killer wasn't anyone in the story. He was just some random guy.)
8. Sometimes I like stories that are written like a journal/diary.
9. Drama.
10. Happy book has to have happy ending. (like HP) : )

1 comment:

Jamie's Blog said...

ONCE again I agree with you on the book. It was entensly creepy and connie was an idiot. It really kept me reading though just because I wanted to know what happened. Your list is good and i also agree on that.